Wednesday, August 29, 2012

20 Effective Ways to Live Your Life Successfully

20 Effective Ways to Live Your Life Successfully

Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it. 
~Maya Angelou

According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, success is the fact that you have achieved something that you want and have been trying to do or get.   Here are the ways to live a satisfying and successful life:   

1.      Write your own script: You decide how you want to live your life by being passionate about your dreams and pursuing your goals fervently. You sincerely believe in what you want to do with your life because it gives you meaning. 

2.      Compete with yourself: You want your life better than ever before.  Setting and meeting challenging goals are the ways to improve yourself.

3.      Be positive: You are more likely to achieve success when you think you can do it because you will try harder and don’t give up easily. Be optimistic and expect to see light at the end of the tunnel when you are working on your goals.

4.      Be happy: Happiness is a wise choice.  It is not affected by external influences. You fill your heart with love. Just smile and be cheerful. Happiness is one true measurement of success in life.

5.      Be here and now: Happiness is also about living in the moment. Don’t get discouraged by your past failures or the uncertainty of the future to deter you from taking action and doing the right things now.

6.      An attitude of gratitude: Examining your life from a positive perspective is the way to feel good about yourself. Thinking more of what you have and  enjoying it  is the way to abundant living    

7.      Connect with people who care about you: Be close to people who support you and care about you. They encourage and motivate you to do more and achieve more.

8.      Be productive: Plan and organize your life. Get the most important things done first. Focus on the task at hand and avoid distractions. 

9.      Self-care: Exercise daily to be fit, alert, and calm.  Taking breaks while at work and sleep well at night are the ways to sustain your energy. Go to bed early and get up early. Drink plenty of water every day. Eat food that grows naturally and not manufactured artificially. Eat less at fast food outlets and more at home.

10.  Welcome problems in life: Overcoming problems creatively is the hallmark of successful people. Look for solutions when you encounter difficulties. Solving problems successfully stretch your capabilities and boosts your confidence.

11.  Keep learning: Continuous learning is the path to personal growth and development. Learning new things, doing things differently, and gaining experience are the ways to be knowledgeable and wise.

12.  Be motivated:  Get inspired by reading wise sayings and quotes and stay upbeat every day. The best time to do it is in the morning.

13.  Spend wisely: Free from all financial worries by spending less than what you get and avoid getting into debt. Think less of getting more wants and appreciate what you have.

14.  Be simple: Avoid activities that are no longer productive.  Avoid getting stressed by committing less. Work on a shorter to-do list. Bring your life into focus by doing only those things that are important to you. 

15.  Do things that Impact others positively: Are you doing things that benefit mankind? You can provide solutions to problems, release songs to delight and entertain, make a breakthrough in cancer cure or write an inspiring article.     

16.  Be kind: Be polite, acknowledge others, and do random acts of kindness. Make others happy and you will be happy too.

17.  Celebrate life: Don’t wait for a special day to celebrate. Every day is special.  Go slow have fun and enjoy what you do.

18.  Making choices: Go ahead, make a choice and go for it. If it does not work out. Do it another way. The worst thing is to regret in life for not doing it and missing an opportunity. 

19.  Be responsible: Don’t look for excuses, don’t blame others.  Instead of feeling frustrated when things do not work out, accept it and start afresh.

20.   Perseverance: Be persistent and resilient when you encounter obstacles and defeats. Success is never easy and it belongs to those who are determined to go all the way.      

Are you living a successful life?

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