Customer Service |
According to Henry Ford, “It is not the employer who pays wages – he only handles the money. It is the customer who pays the wages.” Customers are the most important people in your business. When you take good care of your customers, you take good care of your business and it translates into higher revenue and better profit for the company. Here are the 10 valuable tips to take care of your customers:
1. Response to your customers positively: Replying to customers’ requests and questions with a positive answer. When you are unable to help you still can tell the customers what else you can do.
2. Attention to detail: Satisfy the customers' requests. Listen carefully and attend to their needs fully.
3. Keep your promise: Deliver the goods as promised, and promise only what you can deliver.
4. Exceed customers' expectations: When you are able to keep promises to your customers you go the extra mile and do more for the customers.
5. Feedback: Communicate with your customers. Get feedback from them so as to know what you are doing is right or wrong. Encourage the customers to express their opinions freely- positively or negatively for further improvement.
6. Customer is always right: Even when the customer is wrong he is still right. Do not aggravate the matter by telling the customer that he is wrong. You can’t win a customer by winning an argument.
7. Difficult customers and complaints: Handle the situation tactfully and promptly. Do not inflame the situation. Get another co-worker to help if necessary. Give them what they want. When you resolve the problem to their satisfaction, studies show, 70 percent of people will buy from you again.
8. Get to know your products well: Know your products at your fingertips. Recommend the right products to meet the needs of the customer. A satisfied customer will be a strong supporter.
9. Caring Attitude of the staff: A friendly, helpful, courteous, and positive attitude of your staff will go a long way to keep the customers happy, satisfied, and come back for more. Another important point is that when you treat the staff fairly the staff will, in turn, treat the customers just as well. People like to be treated the way you want to be treated.
10. Empowering the staff: According to American’s number one customer service company, Nordstrom, their Rule #1 for new staff: Use your good judgment in all situations. There will be no additional rules. Allow your staff the freedom to decide the best course of action to satisfy the needs of the customers.
Dave Thomas, the founder of Wendy’s Restaurants, says,” Remember, you can’t take a customer for granted. There really is no such thing as customer loyalty. If you want to succeed in business, you have to be loyal to your customers, in order to get them to keep coming back."
i am Lambert . The CEO of Lambson Hotel Trainers. I love the tips on customer service. Its really inspiring.