Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Father's Day

Thank you for always being there

爸爸, 您像一只蜜蜂, 每天早出晚归, 为家里赚钱, 您真伟大! 您像一棵树, 高大威猛, 为我们遮风挡雨, 您真伟大! 您像一个机械人, 虽然您很忙, 您还是会抽空陪我们玩,逛街, 您真棒! June 15, 2008, was father’s day and the above poem is written by my daughter for me on this special day. She is in primary five. It means: Papa, You are like a bee. You are busy earning money for the family. You are marvelous. You are like a tree, big and strong, you shelter us from the rain and wind. You are like a robot. Though you are busy you still manage to allocate time to play and to go shopping with us. You are great.

 I am touched. This is the best gift I have ever had.

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