Thursday, July 5, 2012

5 Secrets for a Healthy Heart

Heart attack

According to a popular local health magazine, there are five simple and easy ways to protect your heart:

1.      Teeth: What have your teeth got to do with your heart? According to Peter M. Spalding, DDS, associate professor in the department of growth and development at the University Of Nebraska Medical Center College Of Dentistry in Lincoln, if you’re not properly flossing and brushing to remove plaque, your risk for gum disease increases. And once gum disease has developed, you create an environment for bacteria that do not normally grow in your mouth. Gum disease causes your gums to bleed, bacteria can move into your bloodstream, setting up an inflammatory process in the blood vessels. The bacteria may increase your risk for heart disease by contributing to the formation of clots or further plaque build-up in your arteries that can interfere with blood flow to the heart. So, brushing, flossing, and taking care of your teeth and gums are good for your heart.

2.      Sleep: According to an article in Time magazine, Lack of Sleep Linked to Heart Problems, researchers at the University of Chicago report in the Journal of the American Medical Association that too little sleep can promote calcium buildup in the heart arteries, leading to the plaques that can then break apart and cause heart attacks and strokes. Insufficient sleep is also one of the causes of high blood pressure.

3.      Fish: Fish contain unsaturated fatty acids. It is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Fish like salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines, and albacore tuna are high in omega-3 fatty acids.   Research has shown that eating fish decreases triglycerides, lowers blood pressure, reduces blood clotting, boosts immunity, and improves arthritis symptoms. It also reduces the risk of heart disease, particularly sudden cardiac death.

4.      Exercise: Aerobic exercises like running, walking and swimming strengthen your heart and cardiovascular system. It improves blood circulation sends more oxygen to your body. It lowers blood pressure, reduces stress, and improves sleep. You will feel calm and relaxed apart from being fit and healthy.

5.      Relaxation: When you unwind, you slow the heart rate, reduce blood pressure, and also reduce stress.  Yoga, Tai Chi, and meditation are some of the ways to promote relaxation. You can also look for friends and laugh out loud. Listening to music is another effective way to lighten up. Relaxation may help decrease the body’s inflammatory responses. Inflammation is a key factor in heart disease.

Do the right things to look after your heart. 


  1. What Peter M. Spalding mentioned there about gum disease was verified by my hanahan dentists to be certainly true! The worst that could happen especially those suffering from atherosclerosis is the risk of high blood just because of poor oral health.

  2. Very interesting article.

    You are right, if we have healthy heart we can have healthy body. So it's our primary duty to take care of our heart.

    I use a lot of fish in my diet. I started using fish oil for this purpose.


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