Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Heart - Love It or Die in 5 Ways

Care for your heart - World Heart Day
Care for your Heart

The annual World Heart Day is on the last Sunday of September (9/28/2008). And the theme for this year is “Know Your Risk!” It is better to be late than never to highlight this heart-felt occasion.

Here are the 5 risks factors and what you can do about them:

1. Old age: Here are 5 ways to slow down your aging

Be happy – make it a habit from within.
• Be contented- think of what you have and not what you want.
• Be connected – relationships give you meaning in life and happiness.
• Be active –mentally, physically, and spiritually.
• Be curious – lifelong learning is the key.

2. High blood pressure: Here are the top 5 high-risk professions:(see the remedies below)

• Finance and banking staff: They are under a lot of pressure, always facing the monitor, and do very little physical activities.
• Media people: They do not have regular working hours and they work under extreme pressure.
• Wealth management executives: They are very busy and doing boring work.
• Self- employed: They work alone and without much support and they also work at irregular hours.
• IT workers: Their work is very challenging and demanding and they work under great pressure in order to keep themselves up-to-date.

3. High blood sugar: Here are 5 preventive measures to take note:

• Control your weight
• Eat a healthy diet
• Exercise regularly
• Manage stress
• Drink plenty of water instead of carbonated drink to quench your thirst

4. High blood cholesterol: Here are 5 ways to reduce it:

• Eat food rich in Omega-3
• Eat red fruits and vegetables
• Eat onion and garlic
• Eat fiber-rich food
• Drink a glass of red wine daily

5 Heavy smokers: Here are 5 tips to quit smoking

• Tell the world that you are quitting.
• Throw away all your cigarettes and accessories.
• Avoid places and situations where you normally smoke.
• Take up exercise if you have not done so.
• Munch carrots, celery, and other healthy food instead of smoke.

There are 5 types of people with a weak heart:

1. People who are depressed: They are less likely to exercise and the chances of getting heart diseases are high.
2. Lonely people: They are staying alone without support and nobody to care about them. They are most likely to take up smoking.
3. Those people who are under tremendous pressure: Stress management is very important for these people.
4. Housewives: They are always eating leftovers at home and are likely to get high cholesterol and develop a weak heart.
5. People who are obese: They are not interested in exercise and they have too much work to do.

Here are the 5 ways to address the problems:

1. Laugh 5 minutes every day: According to research when you watch a 5-minute comedy it will loosen your blood vessel and increase your blood flow for 45 minutes
2. Sleep well and have a nap daily: According to researchers when you take a nap in the afternoon you will reduce the chances of getting heart diseases by 1/3.
3. Avoid second-hand smoke: Always stay away from polluted areas and especially places where there are smokers.
4. Eat at home: The food at home is definitely hearted friendly than the fast-food outlets.
5. Exercise: Do regular exercise to stimulate the flow of the blood.

Love your heart and it will give you in return the best gift in life – your health.

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