Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Kitchen and Feng Shui -11 Important Tips

Kitchen and Feng Shui 

Take note of the following things about the kitchen to promote good Feng Shui at home.

1. The front door and the kitchen door should not directly opposite each other. When it is in a straight line it will lead to financial problems or loss of fortune. To rectify the situation add a screen in between and add a curtain to the kitchen door.

2. The kitchen door should not face the bedroom directly. This will cause the person who is sleeping in this room to be unstable in his career or study.

Sometimes it is good, sometimes it is not. The performance is not constant. If you really cannot do anything about it then put a curtain on each door to improve the situation.

3. There are some houses where the main door, the kitchen door, and the back door are all in one straight line. When you can go through all the way, you will not be able to keep your wealth. One solution is to seal the back door.

4. The kitchen can be next to the toilet but they should not face each other directly.

5. Keep the kitchen dry and airy. Don’t make the place wet but keep it bright.

Preferably the kitchen floor should be lower than your living room and bedrooms. 

6. The stove and the wall should be back-to-back, do not leave any space.

7. When you stand outside and facing the kitchen door you must not see the stove directly,

8. There should not be a beam above the stove.If you can’t move the stove renovate the ceiling so that it is flat.

9. The stove should not be side by side with the sink. You can segregate the two by making a preparation area in between.

10. The kitchen should not be in the central position of the house. It is very ominous

11. In the kitchen do not reprimand the children, quarrel, gossip, complain….

All these will affect the luck of the family negatively.

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