Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Creative Cooperation - The story

Creative Cooperation

Once upon a time, there were two hungry men. They were lucky to receive two items from a wise old man: one basket full of fresh fish and a fishing rod. One of them took the basket of fish while the other took the fishing rod. After that, they all went their own way. The one with the fish put up a fire and cook the fish on the spot and ate all of them. After a few days, the man died near his empty basket. The other man while enduring hunger walked all the way to the sea. In the end, he was exhausted and died on the way. 

 There were another two hungry men. They also received two items from the wise old man: a fishing rod and a basket of fish. However, these two men did not go a separate way. They had agreed and decided to look for the sea together. They also agreed to eat only one fish a day. After a very long and tiring journey, they finally reached the seashore. So they started a new life as fishermen. After a few years, they built their own houses and had their own families and their own fishing boats. They lived happily ever after. 

Unity is strength is the moral of this story. When you have a dollar and I have a dollar and we exchange the dollar we still have a dollar each. When I have an idea and you have an idea when we exchange the idea we have two ideas each. When we combine the two ideas together the potential is limitless. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

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