Monday, January 24, 2011

Are you doing it now?

Do it now

Your success or failure is the difference between action and inaction. There are many advantages to taking action now or never:

·         A grand plan: A plan is just a plan until you take the first step. Be motivated by what you can achieve by carrying out the plan. An idea to do things differently in the office will further improve your productivity   Get started and do it now.

·         Solving a problem: Don’t dwell on a problem too long. Think and act quickly before a problem gets worse and complicated. When a solution is not workable, at least you can learn from it and move on and try another one until the problem is settled. It is better than doing nothing and allowing a problem to be unmanageable.

·         Reaching your goals: Getting what you want in life is the result of getting things done daily over a long period of time. Keep your goals in view and just do what you need to do every day. Over time you will achieve your weekly, monthly yearly and ultimate goals.

·         Honor your promises: Don’t give empty promise to your children. Don’t let them down. When you have promised to take them to the beach. Make a note in your diary on a coming Sunday and go for it. There will be no regret and you can be truly free and relaxed on such a rest day. When you postpone it, it is most likely it will be postponed forever. At work, promise to deliver and deliver as promised is the way to gain trust and build your reputation.

·         Act on your New Year’s resolutions: New Year resolutions are usually about changing of bad habits to good ones like eating breakfast, getting up early, exercising daily, controlling your weight and giving up smoking. Just do one thing at a time and do it slowly. It takes time to change a habit. Get it started today and do it daily to allow a good habit to take root. Don’t dampen your spirits and be discouraged by involving in more than one habit change.

The way to get success is to act now, go slow, take a small step and do it daily to become a lasting habit.

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