Wednesday, May 9, 2012

7 Positive Ways to do Your Part-Time Business

7 Positive Ways to do Your Part-Time Business

Are you doing business part-time and working full-time? Do you enjoy doing it? I am a part-time blogger and article writer. I like what I do and I have been doing it since 2007. I knew nothing about the Internet when I started.  The only thing I enjoy doing is writing. Here are 7 positive steps to take and manage your part-time business effectively: 

1.      Do what you like: To sustain your part-time business, you must choose to do things you like and enjoy. Discover your strengths. What do you do better than others, write, draw, sing, create, negotiate or capture images?

2.      Do what is important: When you work part-time, time is limited. You have to decide one important thing that you must do.  As for me, the most important thing is to write an article a day.

3.      Do it your way: Whatever you do, there are many others who are doing the same thing.  You have to be creative, unique, and be different. Writing is the same; you cannot take a shortcut and be a copycat.  You have to use your own words and write in your own style to stand out.  

4.      Positive mental attitude: Be confident in what you do. Avoid negative people pouring cold water on you.  Believe in yourself that you will be successful. Be prepared to face obstacles along the way and be determined to overcome them. Ask for help when you need to. Keep reading and learning every day, search on the Net to get the information you want.

5.      Focus: Develop a productive habit to do your work with focus and without distractions. Find a convenient time and a place to get things done.

6.      Passionate:  Work with your heart and soul. You can only do quality work if you are deeply interested in what you do.   A part-time job is challenging. To preserve is to be passionate about your business day in and day out. 

7.      Start early every day: I start my day early at around 6. Before I go to work I have time to check my email, my stats and work on a new article. I sleep early too at around 10. Before I go to bed I try to come up with an idea for the following day. When you work part-time you have to find the time. Becoming an early riser is the best thing you can do.    There is time to work on your project, have your breakfast, and go to work on time without rushing about.

How do you manage your part-time business and keep up with a full-time job?

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