Monday, March 29, 2010

10 Instant Tips for Self-improvement


The following tips, when implemented, will give you instant improvement in life:

1. A creative habit: Always tell yourself that there must be a better way of getting things done. A better way of doing a thing means less time is required to do the same job. This is one sure way of improving yourself,

2. Do it now: As soon as you have decided to do something, act right away. Acting at the wrong time means an opportunity is lost. When you do not have the habit to act promptly, you procrastinate and may not do it at all.

3. Not afraid to ask for it: In order to get what you want out of life, you need to ask for it. People are busy and they do not know what you want. It is even necessary to ask and seek clarification for things that you do not understand. This is the only way to learn

4. Do your SWOT analysis: Find out your strengths and see how you can fortify further. Identify your weaknesses and make an effort to reduce your shortcomings. Be on the look-out for opportunities and be alert to threats and take preventive measures to mitigate the impact.

5. Set written and meaningful goals: When you set goals, you map out your journey in life. You know precisely where you are heading. You monitor your progress and you look forward to reaching your destination wholeheartedly. Without a goal, you drift aimlessly and meaninglessly in life.

6. Do daily to-do list: It is a useful habit and a useful tool. Plan your work in advance by prioritizing your tasks for the day and work your plan by doing the most important tasks. Doing things accordingly will ensure a smooth day. You avoid a stressful situation as a result of an emergency.

7. Effective use of time: Time management is about occupying the available time with meaningful activities. Such activities are goal-driven. They include work, play, and rest for a balanced life.

8. Be open-minded: Be receptive to new ideas, new trends, and latest developments. Change is the keyword. Keep up with the time and be alert to things that may affect you.

9. A positive mental attitude: Be cheerful, feel energetic, and think of happy thoughts. Positive emotions lead to a positive mental attitude. A positive outlook in life will allow you to look at things on the bright side, be confident of yourself, and expect the best to happen.

10. Health for happiness: Health and happiness are closely related. There is no true health without happiness. When you are in good health it means your mind is fresh, you are focus and mindful at work. You are happy when you are in good health because you are zestful and you feel good about yourself.

Life is about making an improvement for a brighter and happier future


  1. A nice list Charles and the kind of review we should consider each morning, otherwise we are likely to fall in that old routine of charging ahead and wasting another precious day.

    I also like to remind myself that I have so very much to be thankful for.

  2. Thanks for your input.
    Yes, it is a good habit to be appreciative of what we have in life.

  3. Nice post,

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