Monday, March 22, 2010

Happiness – Get Rid of 7 Things in Your Mind


Recently I booked a new car and I was hoping to get it in time to celebrate Chinese New Year in Singapore with my sister and her family. However, I could not take delivery of the new car for my trip. Instead, I drove my old faithful that I had been using for close to 15 years. It did not dampen my spirits without the new car. I was happy and I enjoyed the trip thoroughly. I exchanged my old vehicle for the new one only after coming back from my trip to Singapore. The day I took possession of the new car I was neither excited nor happier. It was just another day for me.

How do you stay happy? It is all in your mind, just get rid of the following 7 things:

1. Past memories: Are you always haunted by the thoughts of the past and keep yourself from others and living in regrets? You cannot change the humiliation, failure, and setback of the past. Living in regrets of the past will rob you of your happiness and energy now. Erase the past memories from your mind and replace them with successful events.

2. Greed: These people are not happy with what they have. They want more and they want the latest and the best. There is no way that they can satisfy themselves because manufacturers are churning our new products every now and then. Be happy with what you have

3. Unforgiving: Are you always angry, resentful, and in bitterness. Don’t fill your mind with a vengeance as it hurts nobody but you. Forgive and forget and let your mind be peaceful and calm

4. Live on the approval of others: Do you worry about how others feel about you? Are you only happy when others are pleased with you? Be yourself. Live the way you want to be as long as you are happy. In fact, nobody is concerned about you, other People have too many problems themselves to worry about.

5. Pessimism: Can you be happy if you keep telling yourself,” I can’t, it’s not possible. I will not get it and I will fail.” See the bright side of things and do your very best and do not think much of the outcome.

6. Worries: Instead of living in regrets of the past you worry about the future. Will I be able to keep my job? Can my son make it to the university? Can I be happy when I retire in 5 years' time? Do I have enough money to live in my golden years?

7. Negative emotions: Feel good and be lively about yourself. Do not let the feeling of inertia to rob you of your vitality. Replace negative feelings with positive thoughts. Feel alive and live every day happily

Happiness is enjoying and making the best out of what you have, living in the moment, and doing the very best you can and not thinking too much of the future. The future is the outcome of the effort that you have put in today. Be yourself, be happy, live, and let live.

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