Saturday, March 6, 2010

14 A’s in Positive Emotions

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According to research, a person high in EQ is more capable of handling relationships than a person just high in IQ. The ability to know your own inner feelings means you are able to adjust your own behavior towards others in an appropriate way. You do not want to utter the wrong words and spoil the relationships in a moment of anger with another person. Generate more positive emotions to promote good feelings in you. Here are the A’s in positive emotions:

1. Able: Telling yourself that you are capable is a way to boost your self-esteem.

2. Abundant: Are you happy? Are you satisfied with your life? If so, you can say that you are living in abundance.

3. Accepted: Accept yourself as what you are and you are also accepted by others as what you are. Be proud of yourself

4. Accomplished: Be happy about your achievements. What you have achieved will boost your self-confidence.

5. Active: Are you active mentally and physically? There is energy in you when you act promptly. You walk and do things faster.

6. Adaptable: Are you able to adjust yourself to things that you cannot change? Be flexible.

7. Admirable: Do you admire yourself? Do you like yourself? Feel great about yourself.

8. Alert: Be quick to react to changing conditions.

9. Ambitious: Dare to be different and do not take no for an answer. You leave no stones unturned to get what you want in life.

10. Appreciate: Appreciate your talents and your abilities and appreciate those who help you in one way or another.

11. Assured: Be confident of yourself. Welcome challenges in life to sharpen your problem-solving skills.

12. Attentive: Be mindful. There is no regret about the past and no worry about the future.

13. Attractive: Do you always dress smartly to look your best? Let others know that you care about yourself

14. Awesome: Feel good about your life, your career, your family, your health, and your wealth. Be delighted with what you have.

Every day think of all these positive words to develop in you a positive mental attitude.

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