Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Secrets of Lasting Happiness

According to Andrew Matthews, the author of Happiness in Hard Time,” Happiness is not an accident. It is much more a daily decision. Every day you get up and say,’ Just for this next 24 hours I want to be happy.’ Some days will be better than others but with practice, happiness becomes more of a habit.” However, you can fortify your happiness in many ways.

At a personal level: Be physically active and adopt a positive mental attitude. Watch less TV and read fewer newspapers as you will be bombarded with more bad news. Generate positive emotions such as cheerfulness, hopefulness, and mindfulness. Every day dress smartly and welcome each day with high expectations.

At the workplace: Do you appreciate yourself at work? Are you happy with your contribution to the company? Value your capabilities, talents, and expertise. Take note that your boss recognizes your input because you are a trusted brand.

At home and beyond: Happiness at home means people living together in harmony.Each and everyone at home exercises restraint. There are considerations and communication among family members. Respect and support are shown to each other and whenever necessary sacrifice is made for other members of the family. Are you at peace with your neighbors? Do you greet each other? A friendly relationship with your neighbors will contribute greatly to your happiness. Have you considered the environment that you are in? Living in a peaceful and serene neighborhood will impact your happiness positively. A noisy and highly polluted place will jeopardize your well-being and happiness. Is your house clean and tidy and free from clutter? Such a living condition will enhance your happiness tremendously.

Happy with what you have: Happiness is the way you treat your material things. For instance, you have a pair of branded jogging shoes, instead of using it for jogging; you kick stones and other things along the way. Do you think it will last? How about your car? Do you regularly clean and wash the body to maintain its luster and shiny appearance? Do you send for servicing when it is due? Do you check the tire pressure, the engine oil levels at regular intervals? The more care you give to your car, the more trouble-free pleasure you will be able to derive from it. This is happiness.
Do not envy and be jealous of your neighbor’s new car or other material possessions. You never know, they are bought with credit cards or by hire purchase. Your neighbor is deeply in debt. Do you want to be in his or her situation? What you have is truly yours because you bought it with cash. Be happy and enjoy what you have.

Happiness in relationships: The flowers in your garden are blooming. You are happy just by looking and appreciating the colorful flowers. The liveliness of your plants in your garden is in proportionate to the attention and care that you have given to them. You water the plants and apply fertilizers. You clear the weeds and get rid of the pests. The more you care for the plants the better your plants will grow. At the next level, how much love you have given to your dog at home? No doubt about it, your pet will give you unconditional love. However, when you regularly and consistently walk your dog, your pet will love you even more. When it is time to go for a walk your pet will howl, wag its tail, and jump with joy and excitement. At a higher level when you are interested in other people and you always show your concern; your caring attitude will be reciprocated. People are happy to be with you and they will do things for you when you ask for it. Aren’t this happiness?

Happiness is about how much love you have given to yourself, your work, your co-workers, your family, your neighbors, your car, your jogging shoes, your dog, and the plants in your garden.

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