Monday, August 25, 2008

Cancer - 10 Prevention Tips

10 Tips for Cancer Prevention

By adopting a healthy lifestyle you can reduce the risk of cancer. According to the National Foundation for Cancer Research, 80 to 90 percent of all cancer cases are preventable.

 1. A balanced diet: When you eat a variety of food in the right proportion from the 6 food groups (.grains and cereals, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, meats and eggs, fats) you are able to counteract any harmful effect of eating food which is cancer-causing.

 2. Do not eat the same food over and over again: If the food contains traces of cancer-causing substance you are more likely to develop cancerous cells. 

 3. Do not overeat: Overeating increases the risk of stomach cancer. \

4. Alcohol: Drink in moderation to reduce the risk of cancer. 

 5. Smoking: It is a well-known fact that smoking is one of the main reasons for getting cancer. 

 6. Vitamin: Take appropriate amount of vitamins A, C, E, and plenty of fiber to prevent cancer from forming cells 

 7. Too salty, too hot: Avoid excessive intake of salty items such as salted meat and salted fish. Avoid consuming food and drink which are very hot. 

 8. Stale and charred food: Avoid taking food that has been kept for a long time and burnt food. 

 9. The sun: Avoid overexposure to the sun 

 10. Healthy habits: 
 * Do regular exercise 
 * Maintain cleanliness of your body 
 * Eat your breakfast 
 * Sleep for 8 hours
 * A positive outlook in life 
 * Reduce stress 
 * Drink green tea 
 * Do regular screening
 * Maintain an ideal body weight 
 * Avoid junk food 

 Prevention is better than cure.

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