Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Business Writing - The 7 Golden Rules

Business Writing

In the business world, writers are busy people and so are the readers. Here are the golden rules to put the message across in an effective way:

  1. The subject: Have a very clear idea of the message to impart. Identify the objectives of putting the message in writing
  2. Do research: Learn from experts their style of effective writing. Study their examples of good writing to improve your own.
  3. Your Introduction: It should be short and direct by telling the readers about the main issue.
  4. Use simple language and short sentences: To get the ideas across quickly, avoid using bombastic words, use simple words and write in short sentences. Write to express and not to impress.
  5. Use bullet points: The quickest and easiest way to deliver the message is to put the ideas in bullet points. Your readers can grasp the ideas easily and fast.
  6. Take breaks and write in a few sessions: First, start with the draft. In the next session, edit and proofread your writing and in the last session fine-tune your content and add new ideas that may occur suddenly when you are not working at it.
  7. Put warmth into your writing: Avoid writing in a formal style. Instead, write the way you talk to someone in front of you. Readers will find your writing friendly and acceptable.

According to Peter Drucker, your ability to express yourself clearly in spoken and written words is one the most important of all the skills you can possess.

Write briefly, clearly, and accurately.

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