Friday, August 29, 2008

Staff Motivation - 7 Practical Tips

Staff Motivation 

When you look closely at the motivating factors, they are closely linked to relationships and feelings. The pay is important for the staff but the major issue here is to treat the staff well.

 1. Appreciation of their work: Praise the staff often about their good performance. 

 2. Care and concern: From time to time go to the staff and chat with them and ask about their families and whenever possible offer assistance to solve their personal problems. 

 3. Interesting and stimulating job: Make full use of their capabilities and match their strengths to tasks assigned: Employees will enjoy doing the work and this helps build up their self-confidence. They will have a sense of accomplishment. 

 4. Develop a career growth path: Invest in the staff, provide in-house training to improve their skills so that they can be promoted from within. 

 5. Seek ideas from the employees: When you ask for suggestions from the staff and you implement their ideas they will offer more ideas because they feel that they are being treated as part of the family. 

 6. Show your respect to your staff: Your employees desire to be treated with dignity and respect. Treat them equally and don’t play favorites. 

 7. A comfortable and safe working environment: As an example, you provide large desks, non-glare lighting, pot plants, and a quiet place for the staff to work in the office. It tells the staff that you care about their working conditions. 

A motivated staff is satisfied and happy staff.

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