Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Happy and Healthy Relationship - 7 Great Tips

Friendship  2
A happy and healthy relationship cannot be manipulated, it is based on a foundation of sincerity and honesty. Here are the great tips to maintain such a relationship:

  1. Be dependable: Keep your promises. When you have agreed to do something carry it out so that people can count on you.
  2. Accept the other person totally: We are all unique with our strengths and weaknesses. Do not try to change the other person.
  3. Communicate openly: Listen with an open mind and do not interrupt. Ask questions to clarify a point and share your thoughts.
  4. Be healthy: Keep fit and promote a healthy lifestyle and encourage others to do so. Stay away from drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes.
  5. A caring attitude: See the other person‘s point of view and offer help. Let people know you are prepared to help and you can be depended on. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Remember friends and relatives’ birthdays and send appropriate gifts to them. Not just any gift, something they long to have. Life is more fulfilling when you care.
  6. Show appreciation: Praise more and criticize less. Even when you want to be critical start with praise.
  7. Lasting relationships: There will be challenges along the way and we have to adapt to changes. A good relationship has to work at it over time. Only time can tell a truly healthy and happy relationship.

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