Thursday, August 7, 2008

Article Writing for Bloggers - 5 Effective Ways to put your Message Across

Article Writing

"Writing isn't about using big words to impress. It's about using simple words in an impressive way."Sierra Bailey

There are a few ways to highlight the important message in your article:

1. Boldface, underline, and italic – it’s good to boldface, underline or italicize the most important words in your article. This is to attract the attention of the readers. Use it sparingly.

2. Bullets and numbering: These will be easily noticed by your readers.
All the important ideas are in point form. Your readers are able to grasp them very quickly.

3. Short paragraphs and short sentences: This will allow your readers to catch the gist of your ideas in a short time.

4. Bombastic words: Avoid long words and use simple words that readers can understand easily.

5. When the idea is important: Your readers will appreciate it when you present an impotent idea in two or three ways. Repetition will sink the idea into the readers’ minds.

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