Friday, February 13, 2009, Social Networking Sites and Your Articles Recently I joined It is a website that helps you send your messages to most of the social networking sites in the blogosphere. Here's how it is done:
  1. Sign up with social networking sites if you have not done so. I am sure most of you have already joined such great networks like Facebook, Plurk, MySpace, Twitter, Yahoo 360, and Friendfeed.
  2. Sign up with It is a simple process to do so.
  3. Add the desired social networking sites to your account.
  4. Write a message and include a link to your article on the message board and then ping it.
  5. Your message and your article link are simultaneously posted to all the sites that you have earmarked.
Other networks that you can add include Blogger, Bebo, hi5, Friendster, and many more. In fact, it has more than 30 networking sites for you to choose from. It is so easy and convenient to send messages and your article links in such a short time. Go and sign up for an account. It's FREE. You will be glad that you have done so.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely said, Not bad at all! Interesting piece of information. I find it to be honest, useful and fresh so thank you so much for posting this!


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