Saturday, August 22, 2009

The World’s Healthiest Foods

The World's Healthiest Foods (New Straits Times)

According to the website, in order for a certain food to be listed as the World’s Healthiest foods it has to meet the following criteria:

  1. The world’s healthiest foods are the most nutrient-dense.
  2. The world’s healthiest foods are whole foods.
  3. The world’s healthiest foods are familiar foods.
  4. The world’s healthiest foods are readily available
  5. The world’s healthiest foods are affordable
  6. The world’s healthiest foods taste good

Here is a partial list of foods listed:

Vegetables: asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers, garlic, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes

Seafood: cod, salmon, shrimp, tuna

Fruits: bananas, grapes, kiwifruit, papaya, pineapple, prunes, raisins, watermelon, strawberries

Beans & legumes: kidney beans, soybeans

Eggs & low-fat dairy: low-fat cheese, cow’s milk, yogurt

Poultry & lean meats: chicken, lamb

Nuts & seeds: peanuts, pumpkin seeds, almonds, sunflower seeds

Grains: barley, brown rice, corn, whole wheat

Spices & herbs: black pepper, dried chili pepper, ginger, parsley

Natural sweeteners: cane juice, honey

Other: green tea, water

Go to the site to check out the full list of the World’ Healthiest Foods.

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