Tuesday, August 4, 2009

5 Tips about Your Business Cards

My business card My business card

Business cards are not just a small piece of paper telling others about who you are, what you do, and how to contact you. It is an advertisement, a marketing tool, and an expression of your brand or the image of the company you represent.

Here are 5 tips to get your business cards noticed:

  1. Stand out: Black- and -white is dull. Bright color cards really catch the eyes. Vertical cards with images of the cardholder really stand out. Creative cards that do not conform to the norm of a business card are outstanding. (Caution: business cards not in the standard size will not fit into a cardholder)

  1. Color and graphic: Red color attracts the most attention. My business cards are in red because it is my lucky color and so is yellow and white. A little bit of graphic adds a touch of artistry.

  1. Elevator pitch: Your business cards are the best place to do an elevator pitch. Just provide enough information to entice others to get interested in you. On the front of my card, I tell others about what I do and some interesting information about my niche blog.

  1. Call to Action: On the reverser side of my card, I solicit people to visit my blog and read my articles as well as to connect with me. This is actually the last part of the elevator pitch.

  1. Font: Make sure that the font is large enough so that it is easy to read.

My card is not the best but I use it as an illustration so that you are inspired to come out with your own cards which are truly creative and outstanding.

Watch this video Business Card Fail

Related article:

What is your Lucky Colour?

Promote Yourself and Your Blog with an Elevator Pitch

Write your Elevator Pitch in 5 Minutes

1 comment:

  1. Interesting!

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