Friday, January 2, 2009

Keep Your New Year's Resolutions - 7 Top Tips

New Year's Resolutions

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According to Alexander Dumas,” Resolutions are like eels - easy to catch, but hard to hang on to.” Here are the top 7 tips to keep your resolutions until the end of the year: 

 1. Fewer is better: Choose a few resolutions that will bring you the greatest benefits rather than a long list that is not achievable. When you focus on a few areas you are more likely to succeed and reap your benefits. 

 2. Maintain a detailed list of your resolutions: Put them in writing. A detailed list will serve as a constant reminder of your commitment. Display it somewhere so that you can read it every day. 

 3. Do it daily so that it becomes a habit: For example one of my New Year resolutions is to do social networking. I only need to make one friend a day on Facebook, Orkut, or Twitter. Just once a day and in a year I have 365 friends. 

 4. Review and revise your resolutions: Things and situations change after a while and you need to be flexible to revise your plan to achieve your goals. 

 5. Keep a record of your progress: Congratulate yourself when you have made progress according to your resolutions and kept to your timetable. 

 . It’s OK to slack off: We are not perfect and you are not going to do things perfectly. Allow yourself to sidetrack once in a while and don’t feel bad about it.

 7. Announce your resolutions to the world: By doing so you will get the support of your family members and friends. For example, I have posted my resolutions on my blog so that readers know about them and I am motivated to keep it because I know the tremendous benefits that will bring.

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