Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ginseng (人参 renshen)

Ginseng (人参 renshen)

There are two species of true ginseng. One is the Panax ginseng, C.A. Meyer. It is grown only in Korea, northeast China and the Maritime Province of Russia. The other ginseng is Panax quinquefolius which is grown in the United States and Canada. 

The word Panax (in Greek) means it is a cure-all, good for everything from prolonging your life to curing cancer. The effectiveness of ginseng can be found in the presence of ginsenosides, compounds that are exclusive to ginseng. American ginseng promotes Yin 阴 (cold) while Korean ginseng promotes Yang 阳 (hot). Panax ginseng comes in two forms. White ginseng is grown for four to six years and red ginseng is harvested after six years. 

 Research has shown that the main ingredient saponin or ginsenoside in ginseng can reduce fatigue, increase energy, and lower blood sugar levels. Ginseng also strengthens the intestines, heart, and stomach. Ginseng particularly increases our body's resistance to disease. In addition, ginseng has antioxidant properties and is able to promote wellbeing and stamina. It should be part of our dietary supplements. 

 The most important thing to remember is that when you prepare the root for eating do not use metal spoons and bowls. On a regular basis, I will take a few pieces of sliced American ginseng to chew in my mouth, and then I will just swallow it. Normally a few slices of ginseng are simmered in hot water for a few minutes before drinking it.

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