Thursday, May 6, 2010

7 Tips to Promote your Psychological Health

Mother and son
According to the Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary psychological means it is connected with a person’s mind and the way in which it works. How do you promote mental health to preserve your sanity? Here are the sensible things to do:

1. Don’t dwell on the result: As an example when you prepare for an important exam, your focus is to revise and cover all the subjects well and do your best in the examination. You will not tell yourself that “I must get straight A’s in all subjects.” Attaching too much attention to the result will impact your mind negatively when you do not succeed in getting all A’s. It is a blow to you and when you cannot take it, it may lead to a nervous breakdown.

2. Health and fitness: Physical fitness provides a better cushion to face problems and setbacks in life with resilience. You think of solving the problems instead of the failures itself.

3. Reaching out: The fact that when you have a problem and you talk to your trusted friends to get emotion support is in itself already one way to ease the anxiety in your mind. Moreover, your friends will also give you ideas to deal with your problems. Don’t allow anxiety and worries to occupy your mind.

4. Positive emotions: Decide to start a new day on a happy note. Be cheerful and feel confident about yourself. Feeling good about yourself relaxes your mind and you go about the day calmly.

5. Avoid stress and pressure: Do not allow too much work to make you stressed and get on your nerve. Plan your day well by doing only a few important tasks. Take breaks between tasks to ease the tension in your mind.

6. Ability to manage your emotions: Be aware of your emotions and act accordingly. When you are in a bad mood you will not say or act in a haste. You will do it only when you are composed. Avoid outbursts of anger and frustration.

7. React to events positively: One such event is retrenchment. It is very stressful and your mind is filled with anger, resentment, and frustration. The most important thing is to get over the negative period as quickly as possible. Think of opportunities instead of job loss.

Life is full of ups and downs. It is important to adopt a positive outlook on life. If there is a will there is a way.

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