Monday, May 3, 2010

7 Delightful Things to Discover that you are Living in Abundance

Living in abundance

There are so many things in life that you are enjoying now and you have taken for granted. You have not realized it until today that you are actually living an abundant life. Take a closer look into your life to discover the richness in you:

1. Health: You are physically perfect and you enjoy robust health and you are full of energy. You are one of the happiest people in the world because you can move around freely to enjoy the sound and sight around you. Think of all the handicapped people in this world and you will be able to treasure your physical well-being.

2. Happy to enjoy what you have: Just think of your dwelling, your car, and all the electrical appliances in your house, the clean water, and the internet connection. Don’t you think you have a comfortable and marvelous life?

3. Your work: You are a valued member of the company. You enjoy your work and you find satisfaction in your work. Your work gives you high self-esteem. Think of those jobless people who are depressed and low in spirits because there is no income without a job.

4. Financial freedom: You receive your paycheck regularly. You may not be wealthy but you have accumulated some savings and investments for a secured future. More importantly, you are debt-free. Think of those people who are deeply in credit card debt and you will know how lucky you can be.

5. Relationships: Think of the support you have got from your family, friends, and relatives. These are the people you count on every time when you need help. Be appreciative of the closeness between you and the people around you.

6. Appreciate yourself: Be happy to be what you are with your strengths and weaknesses. You are creative and resourceful and you are successful as where you are now. Be thankful to God

7. A wonderful place: You live in a peaceful neighborhood and the land is also free from natural disasters. The environment is not polluted and the people are friendly. Think again, do you want to live in a place with frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions?

Adopt an attitude of gratitude to live an abundant life.

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