Thursday, May 20, 2010

5 Areas 25 Points to Improve Your Life

Life is about movement

To improve yourself totally is to manage the five areas of your existence. They are:


Here are the ways to make you a better person in these five areas:


1. Move: Life is about movement. The more and vigorously you move your body the better it will be. Don’t be a couch-potato, exercise your body every day for a lively existence

2. Rest: Taking breaks so that you can go further in life. You just cannot work continuously without exhaustion. The sensible thing to do is to rest especially between tasks

3. Relax: This is to unwind the tensed body after a hard day’s work. Your body cannot be under tension at all times, it will break. Learn to relax. You can listen to music, play your favorite musical instrument, or do yoga or Tai Chi.

4. Sleep: A good night’s sleep is to restore and regain your energy and repair damages done to your body during the day.

5. Eat: The most important thing is to eat your breakfast. After fasting for about eight hours you need nutrition to provide you with energy to start a new day. Eat at regular intervals to train your body to expect food and burn calories. Eat less at each meal but more often. Avoid junk food especially the three whites (white bread, white sugar, and white rice). Drink a lot of water and consume more fruits and vegetables.

Mental (It is relating to your mind and your thinking)

1. PMA: You look at problems in life in a positive light when you possess a positive mental attitude. You think you can overcome it and you see success,

2. Uncluttered: Be in a cool, calm, and collected mind daily to get things done.

3. Exercise the brain: Read widely, do puzzles, learn a new language, and do daily physical exercise are all good ways to promote your concentration and memory.

4. Mindful: Promote the ability to focus on the task at hand and not easily distracted by outside disturbances

5. Great patience and courage: Be resilient in the face of defeat. Bounce back from each setback.

Spiritual (It is relating to the spirit but not body and mind)

1. Meditation: Do yoga to improve your mood and sense of well-being. Practice Tai Chi to gain peace of mind and concentration

2. Moral values: Live with a clear conscience by doing what is right and ethical.

3. Giving: Be generous and ready to serve. Share what you know and what you have.

4. Contentment: Be happy with what you have and avoid greed. Don’t allow your calm mind to be disturbed by wanting more in life.

5. The law of “karma”: According to Deepak Chopra in his book, the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success; he mentions that every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind… what we sow is what we reap. And when we choose actions that bring happiness and success to others, the fruit of our karma is happiness and success.


1. Reading: Read to enrich your life and stimulate your mind

2. Writing: Express your thoughts, share your insight with otters

3. Connect: Networking with like-minded people and learn different ideas from them.

4. Continuous learning: Update yourself with new knowledge. Accustom yourself to the latest developments. Learn new ways of doing things

5. Create: Think, imagine, conceive, and create new ideas. Be unique and original in getting things done.

Emotional (It is about your feelings)

1. Awareness: The first step to manage your emotions is to know your mood

2. Control: Knowing your mood means you are able to decide the best moment to get things done to avoid outbursts of anger and resentment.

3. Positive emotions: Think of happy thoughts and be cheerful and replace negative emotions quickly.

4. React to negative events: React positively to events beyond your control. Think of solutions instead of dwelling on the problems

5. Live with the inevitable: Don’t fight with things that cannot be changed. Accept and move on in life.

Manage the five areas of your life to achieve greater success in life.

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