Monday, May 17, 2010

7 Tips to Get Things Done in the Workplace

Getting things done

How do you get things done in the office? Spend a little time to get things organized in the first place is the best way to execute your work successfully.

1. Scope of work: Find out from the outset what you have to do when you have to complete the job. Clarify all outstanding issues before you start work.

2. Plan: Now that you know what needs to be done it is time to organize the task in an orderly manner. Design a time table with the logical sequence of the workflow to complete the project well in advance and not just in time. The reason is to allow extra time to cover in case of unforeseen circumstances. The other thing is to make sure that your tools are all in working order.

3. Creative thinking: While you are working on the project, be resourceful to come with ideas to do the project in better ways. Always think of simple methods to be more efficient and effective.

4. In case of emergency: Be prepared in case your PC or printer or Internet is out of order. Think of your support staff who may be out of action when you needed them. You have to ensure the project is done on time

5. Post-mortem: Upon completion of the project identify and take note of shortfalls. Avoid making the same mistakes in future projects. Celebrate with your staff for a job done well.

6. Day-to-day job: Organize your daily work is just as important. Carry a to-do list with you and work accordingly. Give allowance for interruptions in between to complete your daily tasks as planned.

7. Working smart: Do one task at a time mindfully. Don’t work from one task to another back to back, Take breaks in between them. Enjoy a cup of coffee, look at the scene outside the window. Don’t glue to your monitor all day long, alternate your work to avoid eye fatigue. Avoid stress by working less; just concentrate on a few important tasks for the day.

The most important thing is to find happiness at work. When you enjoy working it is not work anymore.

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