Thursday, July 24, 2008

Your Ideal Job - 5 effective tips to get it

Get Your Ideal Job

There is a saying: Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. You will get your dream job faster and easier when you have prepared yourself well. Here are the top 5 tips: 

 1. First thing first: Do an assessment of yourself. Take an inventory of your strengths and weaknesses. Take stock of your skills and knowledge. Identify your interests and passions. What is your preferred working environment? What would you like to do even you don’t get paid for it? 

2. Write your resume to match the needs of your prospective employers: It should include your skills, abilities, and accomplishments. 

3.Apply directly: Do some research on the employers that you are interested in and see the people who have the power to hire you. This, in fact. is the most effective method to land.a job. 

4.Go online: You can post your resume online and remember to use a suitable file name like your-name-resume.doc. 

5.Conduct an informational interview: You interview people who know a lot about the job that you are interested in. This is an opportunity for you to gather information on the field about your dream job. You will learn a lot that is relevant to your job search. Studies show that one out of 12 informational interviews results in a job offer.

Related article: Why you were not hired

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1 comment:

  1. Of course getting your dream job full time is the ultimate goal, but wouldn't it be fun to work in a real "dream" job (singer, professional athlete, Donald Trump...) just for one day? I just entered a contest at Future Resume to win your dream job for a day and I'm really hoping my dreams of being on broadway will come true, even if only for 24 hours. I originally heard about it because I was on the site looking into making a video resume, which I also highly recommend. Check it out:


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