Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The 3 Bad Living Habits, the 4 Unhealthy Eating Habits and the 5 Good Eating Habits

Good Eating Habits

These are the bad living habits of the busy executives: 

 1. In the office: They are in front of the monitor. 
2. At home: They are in front of the TV. 
3. Outside: They are behind the windscreen. 

 So, what are the 4 unhealthy eating habits? 

 1. They don’t eat breakfast. They are rushing because they are running short of time. So, they are undernourished. 
2. Because they are busy they don’t follow a regular time for their meals. They eat the wrong kind of food. Again they are malnourished. 
3. They overeat during dinner. In this case, they are overeating before bed time. 
4. They eat snacks to replace a regular meal. Snack foods are high in fats, sugar, and calories, but low in nutrients. They don’t exercise and they consume too much fat and very little fibre. In the end, they are obese. 

 Cultivate the 5 good eating habits to stay lean and slim: 

 1. Always sit down to enjoy your meal. Eat slowly, chew well, and savour each mouthful. 
2. Throw away all the junk food at home and in the office. 
3. Have a good breakfast and go easy on your lunch and dinner. 
4. If you must eat between meals, eat fruit or sandwiches. 
5. Avoid fried or oily food like fried noodles or eating in fast-food restaurants. Eat more vegetables, fruit, and nuts.

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