Saturday, August 8, 2009

Green Tea Health benefits

Green Tea

I am a regular drinker of green tea. The other day I was able to cure my stomach upset after taking too many mangosteen and rambutan. I drank a cup of green tea and I had a quick bowel movement and I felt better after that. Here are some of the health benefits of drinking green tea:

· Brain benefits: According to research from Japan green tea catechins may improve reference and working-memory related learning ability and help ward off Alzheimer’s.

· Reduce the risk of cancer: Green tea is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). It is a powerful antioxidant that inhibits the growth of cancer cells and it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue.

· Skin benefits: Green tea is a natural antiseptic that relieves itching and swelling. Soak a cotton bud and apply it to the affected area. In the lab, when green tea is applied directly to the skin it is able to block sun-triggered skin cancer. No wonder skin preparations containing green tea from deodorants to creams are plentiful on the market.

· Inhibit the abnormal formation of blood clots: Thrombosis is the major cause of heart attacks and stroke.

· Atherosclerosis: A study involving laboratory hamsters suggests that green tea inhibits the hardening and thickening of arteries.

· Lowering LDL cholesterol: Researchers believe that green tea lowers total cholesterol levels, as well as improving the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol.

· Rheumatoid arthritis: Green tea is able to reduce inflammation and thereby bring relief from the pain and suffering of this debilitating disease.

· Detoxification system: Green tea stimulates the liver to get rid of the body of free radicals and other foreign chemicals that damage cells.

Make drinking green tea a part of your healthy daily habit.


  1. I love tea a lot.The benefits you listed were amazing.For thousands of years Green Tea has been known to promote good health in nearly every possible way.I came across a related article in the following link,which also explains the benefits of green tea.May be it is useful for the readers.
    Thanks for the information.

  2. Hi,

    Thanks so much for the information and it was really helpful and I hope the article on benefits of green tea will help you a lot.


  3. I love tea, especially green tea.


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