Friday, June 15, 2012

5 Things to Value in Life for Success

5 Things to Value in Life for Success

Once we discover how to appreciate the timeless values in our daily experiences, we can enjoy the best things in life.
Jerome K. Jerome

I have mentioned some of the important things to value in life in my three previous articles (see related posts at the end of the article).  Here are five more things to value in life for success:  

1.      The ability to deal with adversity: Life is challenging. It is how you deal with it that matters the most. Learn from failures and defeats. These are valuable lessons and stepping stones to success. The smart way is to stay positive, be confident, and be resilient. Make changes, avoid making the same mistakes, move on and continue to do the right things.

2.      Beneficial habits:   You know all the good habits, but will you be able to make changes and be better? Some of the things like getting up early, getting organized, planning ahead, taking breaks, taking time off to exercise and relax, enjoying your breakfast, drinking water throughout the day, sleeping sufficiently, staying cheerful, and working enthusiastically. All you have to do is just choose one thing at a time, the one that benefits you the most. When it is a habit, pick the next one and move on from there.   

3.      Positive words: Read motivational quotes, especially in the morning, to start a new day positively and excitedly.   How you start a new day is important for the rest of the day. Start a new day powerfully.   

4.      Continuous development: Seek continuous improvement in five areas of your life: health, work, personal finance, relationships, and family. A balanced life is a key to a successful life.  

5.      Making wise choices: Your present situation is the sum of all your choices that you have made. You will continue to live and make choices.  Choose things you believe in, things that are relating to your passion and dreams. Consult and get help when you are uncertain. Making decisions is to take a risk and do things you have not done before. It is to seek a breakthrough and make progress in life. Be happy in all your choices.

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