Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Why you are unhappy?


You are unhappy because you create your own unhappiness. You do more of the wrong things which bring about misery. Here are the reasons for your unhappiness

  1. You choose not to be happy: It is up to you. You have the ability to choose between happiness and misery. Most people choose to be happy under certain conditions in the future. They forgo happiness here and now. Are you sure of getting happiness when the time comes or will it come at all?  Choose happiness now, live in the moment, enjoy what you do so that you will cherish in the future.  Celebrate the life and be happy every day because it is the right way to live.

  1. Always compare yourself with others: There is always someone who is better than you in many ways. Unhappiness is the only outcome if you keep on doing this. The most sensible thing to do is to excel yourself to do better than what you usually do.

  1. You don’t like your job: You do not find your job interesting and you just want to be done with it as soon as possible. It is essential to do things that you are interested in. You will enjoy the process of working and create a relationship with your work. You will look for ways to be more productive. Get happiness by doing things you enjoy.

  1. You don’t take responsibility for your life: You design your own life and live the way you want and don’t let others tell you what you should do. You live for yourself and not for others. Things may turn up not the way you want to be but it is important to look at it in a positive frame of mind instead of blaming others. Take charge and live the life you want and not just  react to things that are happening to you

  1. Material wants: The more time you spend on watching TV the more miserable you will be. The commercials are very smart to play up your emotions and tell you that happiness is getting more branded items. There is no limit to what you want. The more you crave for material possessions, the more unhappiness you will get. Watch less TV, think less of spending,  go for plain and simple living and get peace of mind and lasting happiness

  1. Negative thoughts: Negative thoughts produce negative feelings and you react to things negatively. Negative emotions such as jealousy and hatred hurt nobody but you. When you are not as successful as others, transform your negative feelings into positive energy to work harder and achieve the success you desire.

  1. Low self-esteem: Instead of appreciating your strengths, you dwell on your shortcomings. Think more of your achievements and what you are capable of. Love yourself, look after your health and exercise every day so that you will feel good about yourself.
Your happiness is determined by how much you give yourself to life. The more you give the more happiness you will get out of life. Like and love yourself, enjoy and love your work, spend more time with family members, get connected more often with positive and happy people, harbor less wants, be debt-free, appreciate and enjoy your abundance, admire nature and its wonders,  appreciate more and judge less of others.


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