Thursday, November 4, 2010

Are you Enjoying Peace of Mind?

Peace of mind

You get peace of mind when you are in a state of mindfulness. You do not think of something else while you are working on a task at hand. There is nothing to disturb you. You do not dwell on the regrets of the past or worry about the future. Your mind is fully in the present in what you are doing.  There are several ways to achieve peace of mind:

  • Harmony with nature and universe: There are day and night. There is a time to work and rest. Follow the rhythm of nature. Early risers capture the essence of peacefulness in the quiet of the early morning. They enjoy the fresh air and witness the transformation from total darkness to the arrival of dawn. Enjoy the benefits of living in alignment with nature.

  • Behave the right way: Do the right things to bring about peacefulness. Be trusted, sincere, show appreciation and kindness. When you cheat, betray and do things with ulterior motive you will feel fear in your mind. You are afraid that the truth will be revealed one fine day. There is no inner peace.

  • Moral values: Upholding moral values is the most effective way to get peace of mind.  Doing good to others and you will be doing good to yourself. Such positive values are kindness, integrity and humanity.

  • Less clutter: Simple and spacious living at home mean more positive energy flow. Feel calm and get peace of mind when you are at home.

  • Positive mindset: Positive thinking means a positive outlook in life. Life is hopeful and you are confident about yourself.  

  • Meditation:  Regular meditation promotes mental health. It gets rid of the negative mindset. Do daily meditation   to experience  happiness, alertness, peace of mind and freedom

  • Less wants: Live with detachment. The urge to get more material possession will disrupt your peace of mind. Live less, want less, enjoy and appreciate greater contentment out of what you have.

  • Do your best: Are you giving your best at work? Do you work with mindfulness? Do you think you deserve the pay by the amount of effort you put into your work?  Be more productive to get greater satisfaction out of your work. At the end of the day, you will reap more peace of mind.
Getting peace of mind is getting happiness. 

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