Wednesday, January 13, 2010

10 Tips to Promote Psychologival Health

Psychological Health
“Being able to be your true self is one of the strongest components of good mental health.” —  Dr. Lauren Fogel Mersy

Your mental well-being is just as important as your physical health. Here are some of the things that you can do to boost your psychological health:

1. Be happy: Happiness is what we always look for in life. When you are happy you get more than what you bargained for. You are cheerful, you look at things on the bright side and you smile at people you meet and they smile back at you. There is a wonderful feeling inside you.

2. Be calm and peaceful: Take up yoga or Tai Chi. This is meditation in motion to get into a state of calmness and serenity. A clutter-free mind allows you to work efficiently and smoothly.

3. Exercise: According to an article by Len Kravitz, Ph.D., Exercise and Psychological Health, physical activities help to manage depression, anxiety, and stress. Exercise also improves your self-esteem and positively affects mood states such as tension, fatigue, anger, and vigor.

4. Love: In another article by Bob Trowbridge, The Effects of Love on Psychological Health, it is mentioned that unconditional love and acceptance exhibited by many animals have a soothing and healing impact on children and adults. Many individuals who are mentally ill or just emotionally distraught, have found a kind of peace and solace in the attentions of an animal. The most important thing is to love ourselves. Pay attention to and acknowledge those individuals in our lives who care about us and spend time with them in a loving exchange of time and energy. He suggests that you touch someone you love. Hug someone you love. Allow yourself to be touched and hugged. It could save your life and your sanity as well.

5. Positive outlook: When you look into the future, what do you see? Do you have high hope and great expectations? Do you welcome each new day eagerly? When you think life is full of opportunities and possibilities you feel good about yourself.

6. Find meaning in life: What is your true calling in life? Do you find what you do every day meaningful? If you do, it means life is fulfilling and it gives you a lot of satisfaction.

7. Gratitude: An attitude of thankfulness and appreciation reflects in you a life that is blissful and naturally you feel you are supported and cared for.

8. Kindness: Kindness is an expression of giving. You know what you do brings cheers to others and you know you are being appreciated for your kind deed. Does it make you feel good about yourself?

9. Curiosity and the urge to learn: You stimulate your mental alertness when you continue to learn; get to know more and always curious about things. Your mind is working all the time and it sharpens your mental faculty.

10. Relationships: According to research married people tend to live longer and better than those who live in isolation. Someone to talk to and someone to share your sorrow and happiness are such wonderful things in life. A feeling of connectedness and belonging make life worth living

Mental health and physical health are a perfect blend of total well-being. Go for it!

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