“Being a family means you are a part of something very wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life.” –Lisa Weed
Happy home life is to be found in a place where there are peace and quiet. You will only hear the laughter of the children. There is no loud exchange of words or throwing things in the house or car smashing and crashing in the middle of the night.
Happiness at home is to be found in the simplicity of everyday life. But you have to appreciate the mundane life at home in order to discover the delightfulness in the simple and ordinary living. Here are ways to appreciate the ordinary home life in order to unearth the lasting happiness in it.
1. Clutter-free: A clean and tidy house is more than pleasing to the eyes. According to Feng Shui masters when a house is clutter-free, it attracts positive energy. You will enjoy the peaceful environment and happiness when you are at home.
2. Less TV: Watching less TV at home means more time for all family members to talk to each other and get closer to one another by understanding each other better. Isn’t it happiness?
3. Eat together: Eating together means fostering closeness among family members and allows the sharing of ideas and jokes and best of all – better communication and connection.
4. Help in the household chores: Sharing means caring. Instead of watching TV which makes you lazy why not do the washing- up to show you care and it makes your spouse happy and you are happy too.
5. Be tutors to the children: The children are happy when you spend time with them. Be tutors and help them in various subjects. You will be glad to know that you are more than your parents to them. The children are delighted that they are being loved and taken care of.
6. Spend time outdoor together: Take them to the beach, the country, or to the mall. It does not matter where you take them to as long as you are with them. The whole idea is to spend time together. The children are happy that you are around to spend time with them having fun.
7. Deal with Argument: What shall you do when your spouse starts an argument? You should just listen (and forget about it later about what he or she has uttered) and allow the other party to air his or her grievances. Don’t fight back. When you don’t participate in the heated debate, things will be back to normal in no time. This is the best way to stay happy at home. Nobody wins when there is a quarrel in the family.
8. Be sincere and truthful: Happiness is living together with a clear conscious. There is no transgression. There is no need to confess and ask for forgiveness. Don’t follow the footsteps of Tiger Woods. The one-car accident not only crashed his car but destroyed his lucrative career and many streams of income and, most importantly, shattered the happiness of a family. In the end, it is like the title of a popular pop song – too little too late.
Your home is your last refuge; it is where you return to after a hard day’s work. If you don’t find peace, quiet, and contentment at home you will miss a lot of happiness in life.
Treasure the happiness of simple home life.
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