Friday, June 4, 2010

10 Advantages of having a Goal in Life

Advantages of having a Goal in Life

When you were young you were asked about your ambition. When you were about to complete your secondary education, you had to decide on a course of further study. Your ambition, aspirations, and together with your interests and passion lay the foundation of your goal in life. Having a worthwhile goal in life brings you many benefits. Here are the ten advantages:

1. Direction: With a goal in life you don’t drift aimlessly and you don’t get a feeling of emptiness. You look forward to each new day with excitement and enthusiasm. You are fully motivated because there is always something to look forward to in life.

2. Focus: It is more effective just to do one thing at a time. Your attention is undivided and you can do it more efficiently.

3. Time: No time is wasted because you are organized. You know what is expected of you. You just do your daily tasks relating to your goal.

4. Energy: Your energy is at your peak. You are immersed in doing things you are interested in and you are mindful.

5. Network: You get to know people who share similar interests and you learn their ideas to expand your knowledge.

6. An expert: The more you learn about the same subject the more you know and the more you can do. You build your confidence and self-worth as you accumulate more know-how.

7. Fulfillment: You get satisfaction, contentment and you live a purposeful life when you have a goal.

8. Contribute to mankind: The more you know the more you can contribute to others. One of the purposes in life is to serve and you are doing exactly that.

9. Inspiration to others: Your success is a role model for others. You inspire others to do more of the same. A future generation will be benefited from what you can offer.

10. A trusted brand: You establish yourself as an expert when you have accomplished more in life. People will look to you for guidance and enlightenment.

Decide as early as possible on what you want to do in life. Your decision will pave the way for a meaningful goal. Here is a good tip to get what you want in life: Do a SWOT analysis to determine your future direction.

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