Monday, June 14, 2010

Getting Success – 10 Things to Avoid

Getting success
Are you getting what you want in life? Watch out for the following pitfalls to avoid. They are hindering you from achieving success in life.

1. Blame others: You blame others for not achieving success in life. In other words,
you are not in control of yourself. Actually, your future is in your own hands and you have
to take full responsibility. Look at yourself critically and find out what is hampering
you from gaining success. Identify your weaknesses and eliminate them.

2. Listen to others: Do not listen to others and allow what they have said to influence your decision. Instead, do a SWOT analysis to identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. You will know the things that you are good at and you can do successfully.

3. No purpose in life: Your SWOT analysis will unearth what you truly believe in so that you can establish your purpose in life. Your purpose in life will fire your enthusiasm and propel you to success.

4. No written goals: When you do not know precisely the tasks ahead of you, you can’t move full speed ahead. Written goals tell you your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly plans and the tasks to perform. Written goals allow you to monitor your progress. It is a source of motivation each time a task is completed because you are nearer to achieving your goals.

5. Not willing to go for the long-haul: There is no overnight success and it takes time and tremendous effort to get what you want in life.

6. No self-improvement: Life is about making progress. It is about honing your expertise, Building yourself into a trusted brand is a long-term process of improving yourself.

7. Giving up easily: Do not be discouraged by obstacles and problems. They are just challenges to build up your resourcefulness to overcome hurdles in life.

8. No self-care: Your energy and commitment are determined by how fit you are. If you don’t bother to live a healthy lifestyle, your energy will suffer and you will not be able to go full swing in life.

9. Procrastinate: The longer you delay taking action, the longer it will take you to reach your goals. Do not allow excuses to stop you from taking prompt action. Just do it.

10. Lack of positive qualities: Feeling miserable about yourself? Unable to focus your attention on the tasks at hand? Change your thoughts to change your feelings positively. Learn and cultivate good working habits to boost your productivity

Avoid these negative habits to reap real success in life.

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