Wednesday, June 2, 2010

10 Productive Things You Can Do While You Are Waiting…

 Productive Things You Can Do While You Are Waiting…

What can you do while you are waiting for your turn at the post office? There is a long queue. You are at the dentist, while you are waiting for your turn what will you do? You are attending an interview. It is not your turn yet. What is the best thing to do while you are waiting? Here are some suggestions:

1. Review your to-do list: Find out the status of the work and make the necessary adjustments. Perhaps some of the work can be done on the following day. Congratulate yourself when you have accomplished the most important tasks of the day. Use the time to plan ahead.

2. Catch up with your reading: Take along some articles relating to your profession and start reading.

3. Read what is available: You will find magazines at the dentist’s reception area. You will notice the magazines are not the ones that you used to read. Pick up one and read. What can you learn from the magazine?

4. Look around: When you are in your client’s office, be observant, and find out their mission statement or the things that they highlight. From your observation, you will learn about the things that are important to them. It is a good subject to talk about and break the ice when you meet up with your client.

5. Check: When you are attending a meeting or an interview this is the best time to check and make sure that your documents are in order and they are arranged in an orderly manner so that you can retrieve them easily. Avoid fumbling

6. Think: Be creative, think of the next article to write if you are a writer. Think of a catchy slogan if you are a copywriter. Come up with original ideas relating to your work while you are waiting.

7. Strike a conversation with a stranger: It is a great idea to talk to a stranger and learn new ideas from him or her. You never know the person could be one of your business associates.

8. Observe the people around you: What can you learn from what you see? From their facial expression, you will know that one person is happy and another is sad. You will also notice that one person may be well-dressed and another may not be dressed in good taste. Learn from them and avoid making a negative impression.

9. Send text messages: It is also a good time to catch up with your contacts by sending short messages to them. They will be delighted to know that you remember them.

10. Work: Are you carrying your notebook? Can you do some work? Don’t waste precious time.

Making unproductive time productive is a marvelous thing to do.

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