Thursday, June 24, 2010

10 More Tips to Bring You Good Luck In Life (Second of a two-part series)

Four leaf clover

Will you be lucky? Luck, to a large extend, is within your control. How do you prepare yourself to be luckier? Here are ten more tips:

1. Tidy and declutter your home: The clutter at home will repel the flow of positive energy. The things that are scattered everywhere will affect your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Start to tidy up the place bit by bit every day. A neat and spacious home will attract good luck and the positive flow of energy into your house.

2. Focus: To be lucky you have to ask yourself what you want to achieve. What do you want to do in life? What are your dreams and goals? You have to focus on your objectives.

3. Hard-working: It is about working smart over a long period of time like planting a tree. Do what you need to do and do it well. Your labor will bear fruit eventually. Your lucky break will come when someone recognizes your talents and you will be able to get fame and fortune.

4. Action: Nothing will happen if you don’t take action. Even if you want to strike it rich you have to but a big sweep ticket. The chances are slim, but if you don’t act you don’t even stand a chance. Get out of your comfort zone, change the way you do things, and meet with different people.

5. Meet more people: As the saying goes, who you know is more important than what you know. It tells me that your luck is closely connected to the right people you know. Someone in your network will contact you one day and say.” Hi buddy, are you interested in…”The big question is: Are you ready to grab the opportunity?

6. Be prepared: Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity, says Seneca. Have you done your homework? Are you ready to do what you want to do in life?

7. Positive-minded: Your positive mental attitude will determine how lucky you are. When you think you can do it, very likely you will. If you are pessimistic about the situation, you are already doomed to fail

8. High emotional intelligence: Are you cheerful and happy most of the time. Your positive outlook in life will attract the attention of others. When you are happy you make others happy too. And when you cry you cry alone.

9. Intuition: Follow your instinct or gut feeling when you are undecided on a course of action. Your hunch could give you a lucky break.

10. Unlucky: Do you feel that you have always been unlucky? It could be a blessing in disguise. According to Og Mandino, each misfortune you encounter will carry in it the seed of tomorrow’s good luck. Examine your setbacks in a positive mindset and learn some valuable lessons from them. You will be wiser and luckier the next time.

Wish you the very best of luck.

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