Thursday, June 17, 2010

10 E’s of a Highly Successful Executive

Successful Executive
What do you find in a successful executive? The following 10 E’s identify the common traits of successful executives:

1. Engaged: She is enthusiastic about her work. She works with full concentration and she is loyal to the company which she is attached to. Her outstanding performance is making her a prime candidate for further advancement in the company.

2. Experienced: Her ability to get things done is well illustrated by her performance. Her talents are admired and her capability is accepted without reservation.

3. Expertise: She has gained extensive knowledge in her field of knowledge and she is able to apply what she has learned. She is a believer in continuous learning to stay up-to-date.

4. Expressive: She is a great communicator. She is able to express herself clearly, fully, and precisely in spoken words as well as in writing. She is able to convey and convince her thoughts to a higher authority

5. Energetic: She is bursting with energy and will jump right into action mood. Procrastination is not a word in her dictionary. She believes in just doing it.

6. Emotionally intelligent: A person with high E.Q. will bring him or her success in their career to the next level. She is fully aware of her own emotions and she is able to control the outburst of negative emotions. She is also able to pinpoint the feelings of others and act accordingly. She knows when to move forward and when to back off.

7. Example: She is the role model of the company. Her ability in her field of expertise is demonstrated by her track record. She is punctual and she delivers as promised. She is good at people skills and she is able to communicate effectively.

8. Efficient: She is creative and resourceful and she believes in making changes to get things done more efficiently but no less thoroughly

9. Effective: To know the right thing to do at the right time is her trademark. Her ability to distinguish what is important and what does not make her an effective person.

10. Exercise: She is fully aware of keeping herself healthy and fit so that she is able to perform in the long-haul. Exercise is her daily routine. Her calm, clear, and uncluttered mind is the result of doing aerobic exercise regularly.

You can learn and develop yourself to be a successful executive. It takes time, effort, and patient but with conviction, passion, and determination, you, too, can be one eventually.

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