Thursday, September 4, 2008

Workplace Happiness

Stay Happy At Work

Mind Tools conducted an international survey covering 10,310 experienced business people in 131 countries in April 2008 and published their findings in a white paper. The survey studied the relationship between people’s assessments of their own skills in 10 major career skills (stress management, time management, team management, leadership, communication, team-working, decision-making, problem-solving, project management, and change management) areas and their happiness at work Respondents were in a wide range of organizational positions, were equally balanced in gender, and were mainly in the 30-59 age range. 

 According to the survey, they found that 66.3% of people who were happy in their job were confident in their stress management skills. It means that people with good stress management skills are very much more likely to be happy at work. It also means that people with good career skills are much more likely to be happy at work than those with weaker skills. Managers should strongly consider training their staff in stress management and other career skills if they want to improve workplace happiness. 

 Workplace happiness is important because it strongly affects employee performance and organizations' ability to retain staff. Happiness is also a key factor in motivation, and therefore in productivity. Happy people are often exceptionally productive performers.

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