Saturday, September 27, 2008

Be Happy - Just Change Your Thinking

Happiness consists of contentment

The reason why so many people out there are unhappy is that they are all thinking about what they want. When they have a house they want a bigger house when they have a car they want to have a luxurious model. 

The fact is that their desire can never be satisfied. Because of that, they are always under stress. When you change your thoughts to what you have instead of what you want you will appreciate and be grateful for your own situation. In other words, just count your blessings. 

 One of the things in your daily life is that when you go to work do not tell yourself that you have to go to work and complain about your salary. Instead thank God that you have a job and you get paid promptly every month to support your family so that everyone in the family is able to enjoy decent meals every day and children can go for tuition classes and the whole family can go shopping every weekend. When you look at yourself in the mirror and you think that you are not as handsome as the other guy next door. It makes you sad. However, when you think of the fact that you do have a perfect body and also about the number of physically handicapped people out there in this world you will appreciate yourself even more. 

Don't wish your spouse and children to be different. Just focus on their virtues and you will be grateful and the thought of it will make you feel fine. 

 There is a Chinese proverb that says when you know you are contented you are always happy - 知足常乐 (zhi zu chang le).

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