Saturday, March 24, 2012

5 Benefits of Housekeeping without a Maid

5 Benefits of Housekeeping without a Maid

It is reported in the news that maids from Indonesia will carry out four main household tasks at a minimum salary of RM700 per month in Malaysia. The daily tasks are cooking, housekeeping, washing clothes and ironing. Why not take the opportunity and leave your comfort zone and do some changes at the home front? There are 5 benefits   to carry out the household chores without engaging a maid:

1.       Savings: The monthly amount of RM700/= can be set aside as an emergency fund to meet unexpected expenses.  It is also an effective way to halt the outflow of a fund and save on foreign exchange.

2.       Sharing: Sharing is caring. Mother can do the cooking, the father can do the dishwashing, and children can do the laundry and ironing.  Everyone in the house can take a turn to keep the house spick and span.

3.       Self-reliant: It is a great way to survive and learn to be independent. When it is a habit, doing all the tasks will come naturally.

4.       Self-fulfillment: It is an effective way to manage your home and be productive while having to work and earn a living. You get personal satisfaction and happiness in managing time and tasks efficiently and effectively.

5.       Sedentary lifestyle: idling is not a good way of life. Human beings are meant to be active. Doing things at home will keep boredom and anxiety away from your mind. When things are done, you will enjoy more when you take a deserving break.   

A maid is another human being. She is far away from home and she needs support emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Will you be treating her in a dignified way? A maid may be a solution to your household problems. If you do not handle the situation with care, she could also be a source of your family problems in many ways. 

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