Friday, October 8, 2010

10 Simple Ways to Get Peace of Mind

Peace of mind

Peace of mind is about getting less and less and not wanting more and more. What are the things to go for less and less? Check out the following:

  1. Less haste: Reduce your speed, eat slowly and work at a slower pace. You go slow in life to avoid stress and living under pressure. In fact, you do a better job and avoid costly mistakes just by working a little bit slower.

  1. Less negative emotions: Be more happy, cheerful and confident and less anger, hatred and jealousy. Hold no grudges and don’t get on your nerve to disturb your calm mind.

  1. Less wants: Can you resist the desire to get more and more material things in life? Your mind is at ease when you stop thinking of your wants in life. Get inner peace without more material wants.

  1. Less expectation: Expectations lead to disappointment. Don’t expect too much from others but accept them as what they are. On a personal level, do your best in whatever you do and don’t attach too much to the results so that you can accept the outcome without being disturbed.

  1. Less activity: Don’t try to do too much in a day. Employ the 80/20 rule to do less but get you  more satisfaction

  1. Less clutter: Fewer things in your house mean more breathing space. A tidy and spacious house attracts the flow of positive energy. Peace of mind at home is a house without clutter. 
  1. Less regrets: Dwell less on the past about your defeats and blunders. Don’t allow the pain of the past to disturb your peace of mind. Live fully in the present and make today and every day a better day in your life.

  1. Less worry: You worry about the future which is beyond your control. Focus your energy on the task at hand and do the best you can to develop a positive outcome in the future.

  1. Less TV: The messages from TV advertisements are very clear. You are coaxed to eat and drink more, have more, get it faster, enjoy more, spend more but move less. Will you get peace of mind by getting more and more? Watch less TV to avoid the temptations from advertisements and enjoy your peace of mind

  1. Less noise: Get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, go to the beach or the countryside to listen to the soothing sound of nature and enjoy the tranquillity of the surrounding.
Be less to simplify your life and get more peace of mind and lasting happiness.


  1. This is a great post, it truly demonstrates that less is more!


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