Saturday, October 9, 2010

7 Things to Learn from a Blind and Wheelchair-Bound Boy

Living with life

This morning I watched a video about a boy by the name of Patrick Henry Hughes who born blind and wheelchair-bound. I was touched and inspired. There are things that we can learn from this boy:

1. Make the best of what you have got: If you are given lemons make lemonade. Find out your passion, interests and what you do best to develop your talents to a greater height. Patrick is a solid example.
2. Parent’s love: The unconditional love of parents is the most important factor in bringing up your children. Your love motivates, inspires and supports your children to grow confidently and meaningfully in life.
3. Do not complain: If Patrick can live a meaningful life without sight and mobility. What is there for you to complain about your life? Your life can’t be as bad as Patrick. Love yourself for what you are with all your strengths and weaknesses.
4. Work harder: Patrick works very hard in spite of his disability and he has succeeded in achieving his dream with the help of his daddy. You, too, can achieve greater success in life because you are not handicapped in any way. If you were to work harder, the sky will be the limit for what you can accomplish.
5. Live your dreams: Patrick has a dream. I am sure you have a bigger dream. Take action to realize your dream. I am sure it is a lot easier to achieve than Patrick
6. Be happy: Be cheerful with what you are. When you can’t change a situation, do not dwell on it and be unhappy about it. Why live a miserable life when you can decide to live happily? Cheer up and cherish your happy memory.
7. Self-esteem: Patrick is a great motivator. He is able to boost our morale and make us feel proud of ourselves. Hold your head high and be confident of yourself. You can do what you want to do. If Patrick can do it, you can do even more.

Life is what you make out of it. It is up to you to dream and achieve your dreams.

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