Thursday, October 28, 2010

10 Simple Ways to Get Things Done


There are simple and effective ways to do things that can bring you success easily and efficiently:

  1. Do less: It does not mean literally doing less and less. It means able to get the same things done by doing less and in less time.  You get rid of the non-essential and concentrate on what is required for the job only.

  1. Go slow: Going slow has the effect of getting things done faster. When you are not working in haste you work in a cool and calm mind getting things done with no mistakes. When you work in a hurry you are working under stress and you are prone to errors.

  1. Take breaks: Even machines need to be regularly serviced and maintained. All the more you need frequent breaks to reduce stress and clear the clutter in your mind and continue to work more productively with a refreshed brain.

  1. More productive: To be productive is a smart way of working. It is getting things done by using the simplest method in the shortest possible time to produce what is needed and nothing more or less. 

  1. Change: Adopt a flexible mind and be alert to developments that are taking place every day. Be ready to make changes for the better to replace old and ineffective ways of doing things.

  1. Enjoy what you do: When you are happy at work you find pride in what you do and you are always looking for further improvement. You enjoy the process of working and you immerse yourself in doing what you like.

  1. Creative and innovative: To be successful you cannot be complacent. It is necessary to look for innovations to get ahead and stay ahead of the competition. The only way to do it is to create original and unique ideas 

  1. Get up early: Successful people get up early to welcome a new day with eagerness. They have a good feeling about themselves and they expect good things to happen. They look forward to getting things done in a brand new day and get closer to their objectives. Getting up early gives them a head start to do the right things at the right time. Get up early to feel the positive difference in you.

  1. Organized: Productivity is derived mainly from proper planning and organization. A daily to-do list is a tool to be organized and effective work execution. Get your to-do list ready in the evening for the following day to be in total control.

  1. Move: Successful people are active people. The energy and the drive to live every day are sustained by regular exercise. Daily physical activities promote abundant energy, better concentration and the stamina to work better under stress. Start today and every day to exercise.  

Effectiveness is about making habit changes in your daily life. Adopt productive ways of doing things will bring you success in life.

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