Saturday, July 10, 2010

10 Top Tips to stay Motivated on The Job


Working life is not always smooth sailing. It has its ups and downs. The most important thing is that you must stay motivated so that you can weather the storm at work and still do your best. Here are the top ten tips to be in high spirits at work:

  1. Do work that you are interested in: If you do not enjoy doing your work, most likely you can’t be engaged, committed, and be focused on the job. It is like a round peg in a square hole. Do work that you are passionate about so that you can do well.

  1. Explore new ways of doing things: Be creative and resourceful to find new ways of doing things so that you can be more efficient and effective. When you can do a better job, you are definitely motivated.

  1. Keep learning: Be keen and curious to look for new things to learn. The more you know the more resources are available to you to solve problems at work.

  1. Go slow: Rushing about is the sure way of getting stress and discouraged. Avoid pressure by following your to-do list and take breaks between tasks.

  1. Celebrate daily accomplishment: At the end of each day remember to review things that you have completed according to your to-do list. Congratulate your effectiveness in getting things done so that you keep yourself inspired.

  1. A conducive working environment: Avoid clutter in the workplace and do not work in a place where there are a lot of people moving around. Furthermore, a clean and tidy working area promotes calmness and peace of mind

  1. A positive mental attitude: Look at things on the bright side and do not allow a setback to dampen your enthusiasm at work  Be confident and maintain high self-esteem,

  1. Positive emotions: Are you emotionally intelligent? You must be able to know your emotions in order to avoid the expression of negative emotions like anger, resentment, and hatred. Get to know the emotions of other people so that you can approach them when they are in the right frame of mind. In this way, you get things done smoothly through others.

  1. What else excites you: A happy home life and the pursuit of personal interests can make a positive impact on your job. When you are happy about other things in life, it will bring cheerfulness and satisfaction into your working life.

  1. Look after your health:  When you are unfit, you don’t have the drive and energy to work. You can’t be motivated when you are feeling down and out. Exercise every day to be in top form, alert, and feel good about yourself.

You spend one-third of daily life at work, it is important that you are happy and motivated at work for many more years to come.

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