Tuesday, July 20, 2010

10 D’s to Live a Simple Life (Second of a three-part Simple Life series)

Simple life

Here are 10 more R.E.A.L. ways to simplify your life

  1. Do it the first time and the last time: Handle documents once only. Decide immediately to act on it, to throw it, or just to file away.

  1. De-clutter: Discard or give away things you don’t need or use anymore. Make your house spacious. A tidy and uncluttered home attracts the flow of positive energy. You will feel calm and peaceful at home.

  1. Disengage: Don’t participate in activities that do not contribute meaningfully to your life. Cut short and send away people just want to interrupt and chat with you for no purpose

  1. Develop: Be creative to find ways to get things done in a simple and easy way but no less thoroughly

  1. Deliberate and decide: Study carefully about making a change in your life. Weigh the pros and cons of it. Will it be beneficial to your simple life?

  1. Deliver immediately: In the office, if an interruption occurs such as a request for something. Do it right away if it does not take you more than five minutes. Just be done with it once and for all before you forget and get the blame.

  1. Discover: Keep learning every day and  be on  the lookout for new technologies to make your life easier

  1. Disregard and delete: Don’t open an unfamiliar email. Just ignore and delete instead of getting  into a lot of troubles

  1. Divide: Get things done  by turning  a big project into smaller units so that it is not overwhelming and stressful to execute

  1. Distinguish: React intelligently to new things that enter into your life.
      Will it complicate or simplify your life? Decide and act.

A simple life is a happy, rewarding, and fulfilling life.

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