Friday, July 9, 2010

10 Ways to Save Time


The most important thing in life is to spend your time on things that are important and meaningful to you. Such things are like doing tasks relating to your long ranch goals, getting involved in your interests and passion, and spending quality time with your family. In order to do less and get more out of what you want in life, you have to avoid wasting time doing things that are non-essential and small stuff. Here are the top ten ways to save time:

1.      Television: You change your life forever on the day you stop watching TV. The time you spend on gluing to the tube can be used to do so many wonderful and productive things in life ( Productive Things You Can Do at Home in the evening when you Stop Watching TV ). The fact is that doing anything else is better than watching TV.

2.      Mobile phone: Actually the basic function of the telephone is to communicate important messages. Now, with the invention of the mobile phone, it is used to send text messages on trivial issues just to pass the time. Worse still, it is used to browse the Net for the sake of browsing.   

3.      Internet: Internet is a useful tool when it is used correctly to look for information or doing things relating to your job. Don’t do emailing or chatting for no purposes at all. Surfing the Net is another great sin.

4.      Time stealers: Avoid getting into a situation to allow someone to bump into you and chat endlessly just to take away your valuable time. Send him or her to the door politely. You have better things to do in life and time is short. 

5.      Newspapers: If you must read the papers all you need is about five minutes to scan the headlines. A headline tells the whole story in a nutshell. I read as fast as I can just to look for ideas for my articles and nothing else. Newspapers carry all the sensational news that dampens your spirits and discourages you to start a new day right. 

6.      Multitasking: Don’t do so many things at the same time in order to save time, it is counterproductive. You work under stress and you are prone to mistakes and you can’t concentrate. Focus on one task at a time to do a job right the first time.

7.      Not prepared: Not getting ready the material to do your job is courting for trouble. You will start hunting high and low for the tools and other necessary items. It is time-wasting and frustrating.

8.      Do not plan ahead: It is yet another way to waste time by not planning ahead. You could waste precious time doing the wrong things which are not important.

9.      A late starter: Time is more than wasted when you start a new day late. You will be rushing about to get things done badly. You miss deadlines and you get interrupted by people and phone calls. It is a mess. Start a new day early.

10.  Aimless living: This is truly a disaster in living a meaningful life. Don’t drift around aimlessly in life. It is more than a waste of time. It is a drain of energy and resources. Set goals and follow your dreams.

Actually, when you look at the list, these are things to avoid so that you don’t waste time. You will gain more time at your disposal. The rule is to spend more time on your goals and objectives and avoid doing things that have no impact on your life.

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