Friday, September 11, 2009

Getting Self-Confidence – 5 Practical Tips


Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result but the cause, of fear. – Norman Vincent Peale

You have no confidence. Perhaps you have been listening to others that you are not good enough. It affects your self-esteem and your self-worth. The other factor was that when you were young your parents were very protective of you. When you have grown up you are weak in self-confidence. Here are five ways to build up your self-confidence:

1. No excuses: Don’t tell yourself that your luck is no good, you don’t know what to do or you can’t. Instead, tell yourself that you can do it and you can achieve success.

2. Fear of failures: When you are afraid of failures, it will reduce your courage and confidence. Look at each failure as an experience and part of the foundation for success. The most important thing is to carry on in spite of setbacks and failures. Here are some positive steps to deal with failures:

· Never be a loser: When you fail it does not mean you are a loser. It means you have tried but unable to succeed. A loser is someone who is afraid of failures and stop trying

· Learn from failures: Learn from previous setbacks and never to repeat the mistakes. Don’t dwell on them too much as it will rob you of your confidence.

· Continue to try: The biggest failure of a person is to give up trying. Take risks, do things differently, and continue to move towards your goals, you will see success eventually.

3. Work hard: One of the surest ways to build your self-confidence is to set your goal. Make it manageable and achievable to build your confidence gradually. As soon as you have attained your objective. Set bigger ones. Be focus and go all the way.

4. Find your interest and passion: Your passion and your interests are something you are good at and you are able to do better than others. Build your confidence with your passion.

5. Positive mentality: Look for the good in others and allow others to discover and compliment your strengths. In this way, the affirmation will boost your self-confidence to the next level.

Successful people are self-motivated and the first step to get it is to build your self-confidence.

Related post:

Boost Your Self-Confidence – 12 Assuring Ways

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